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Google Cloud Platform

Ensures S3 buckets are created


This script ensures that the S3 buckets are created on Google Cloud Platform. It creates the following buckets:

  • gs://docker.s3.{{ .host.domain }}
  • gs://private.s3.{{ .host.domain }}
  • gs://public.s3.{{ .host.domain }}
  • gs://system.s3.{{ .host.domain }}
  • gs://user.s3.{{ .host.domain }}

Source Code

{{- if false -}}
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# @file Google Cloud Platform
# @brief Ensures S3 buckets are created
# @description
# This script ensures that the S3 buckets are created on Google Cloud Platform. It creates
# the following buckets:
# - gs://docker.s3.{{ .host.domain }}
# - gs://private.s3.{{ .host.domain }}
# - gs://public.s3.{{ .host.domain }}
# - gs://system.s3.{{ .host.domain }}
# - gs://user.s3.{{ .host.domain }}

if command -v gcloud > /dev/null; then
if [ -f "${$XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/gcloud/s3-client-secret.json" ]; then
logg info 'Authenticating with gcloud S3 service account'
echo Y | gcloud auth login --cred-file=s3-gcp.json
if gcloud config get-value account > /dev/null && logg info 'gcloud is authenticated'; then
logg info 'Disabling usage reporting' && gcloud config set disable_usage_reporting true
BUCKETS="$(gcloud storage buckets list | grep 'storage_url:')"
for BUCKET in "docker" "private" "public" "system" "user"; do
if logg info "Checking for $BUCKET S3 presence on GCP" && ! echo "$BUCKETS" | grep "gs://${BUCKET}.s3.{{ .host.domain }}" > /dev/null; then
logg info "Creating gs://${BUCKET}.s3.{{ .host.domain }}" && gcloud storage buckets create "gs://${BUCKET}.s3.{{ .host.domain }}"
logg info 'Finished ensuring S3 buckets on gcloud are created'
logg error 'gcloud is not authenticated'
logg info 'No client secret available for gcloud S3 service account'
logg error 'The gcloud executable is not available'

{{ end -}}