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pfSense Setup

Configures pfSense


This script sets up pfSense with features like:

  1. Netdata Cloud


The following items are not included in this script but may be added in the future:

Script Functions


This function logs with style using Gum if it is installed, otherwise it uses echo. It is also capable of leveraging Glow to render markdown. When Glow is not installed, it uses cat. The following sub-commands are available:

errorLogs a bright red error message
infoLogs a regular informational message
mdTries to render the specified file using glow if it is installed and uses cat as a fallback
promptAlternative that logs a message intended to describe an upcoming user input prompt
starAlternative that logs a message that starts with a star icon
startSame as success
successLogs a success message that starts with green checkmark
warnLogs a bright yellow warning message


This function adds Netdata to a pfSense environment. More specifically, it:

  1. Enables the FreeBSD package repo
  2. Installs Netdata system package dependencies
  3. Configures Netdata to work with Netdata Cloud (if the NETDATA_TOKEN environment variable is appropriately assigned)
  4. Starts the Netdata service

Note: In order for Netdata to start on reboot, the shell command feature of pfSense should be configured to run service netdata onestart after reboots.


This function installs UniFi onto a pfSense / OPNSense FreeBSD environment. It leverages scripts provided by the unofficial pfSense UniFi project on GitHub. The script runs the script provided by the project and then enables the UniFi service.

If you run into issues, please see the project's GitHub link (referenced above). It may take a couple minutes for the UniFi service to start up after service start is run because the start service exits fast while booting up the UniFi service in the background.


This function adds an unofficial package that adds SAML2 support to pfSense for SSO logins over the web portal. For more information, see the project's GitHub page.

Source Code

# @file pfSense Setup
# @brief Configures pfSense
# @description
# This script sets up pfSense with features like:
# 1. [Netdata Cloud](
# ## Considerations
# The following items are not included in this script but may be added in the future:
# *
# ## Useful Links
# * [pfSense to OPNSense configuration converter](
# * [pfSense Ansible collection](
# * [pfSense API]( (Note: Need CLI or easy way of accessing it)

# @description This function logs with style using Gum if it is installed, otherwise it uses `echo`. It is also capable of leveraging Glow to render markdown.
# When Glow is not installed, it uses `cat`. The following sub-commands are available:
# | Sub-Command | Description |
# |-------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
# | `error` | Logs a bright red error message |
# | `info` | Logs a regular informational message |
# | `md` | Tries to render the specified file using `glow` if it is installed and uses `cat` as a fallback |
# | `prompt` | Alternative that logs a message intended to describe an upcoming user input prompt |
# | `star` | Alternative that logs a message that starts with a star icon |
# | `start` | Same as `success` |
# | `success` | Logs a success message that starts with green checkmark |
# | `warn` | Logs a bright yellow warning message |
logg() {
if [ "$TYPE" == 'error' ]; then
if command -v gum > /dev/null; then
gum style --border="thick" "$(gum style --foreground="#ff0000" "โœ–") $(gum style --bold --background="#ff0000" --foreground="#ffffff" " ERROR ") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")"
echo "ERROR: $MSG"
elif [ "$TYPE" == 'info' ]; then
if command -v gum > /dev/null; then
gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#00ffff" "โ—‹") $(gum style --faint "$MSG")"
echo "INFO: $MSG"
elif [ "$TYPE" == 'md' ]; then
if command -v glow > /dev/null; then
glow "$MSG"
cat "$MSG"
elif [ "$TYPE" == 'prompt' ]; then
if command -v gum > /dev/null; then
gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#00008b" "โ–ถ") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")"
echo "PROMPT: $MSG"
elif [ "$TYPE" == 'star' ]; then
if command -v gum > /dev/null; then
gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#d1d100" "โ—†") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")"
echo "STAR: $MSG"
elif [ "$TYPE" == 'start' ]; then
if command -v gum > /dev/null; then
gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#00ff00" "โ–ถ") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")"
echo "START: $MSG"
elif [ "$TYPE" == 'success' ]; then
if command -v gum > /dev/null; then
gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#00ff00" "โœ”") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")"
echo "SUCCESS: $MSG"
elif [ "$TYPE" == 'warn' ]; then
if command -v gum > /dev/null; then
gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#d1d100" "โ—†") $(gum style --bold --background="#ffff00" --foreground="#000000" " WARNING ") $(gum style --bold "$MSG")"
echo "WARNING: $MSG"
if command -v gum > /dev/null; then
gum style " $(gum style --foreground="#00ff00" "โ–ถ") $(gum style --bold "$TYPE")"
echo "$MSG"

# @description This function adds Netdata to a pfSense environment. More specifically, it:
# 1. Enables the FreeBSD package repo
# 2. Installs Netdata system package dependencies
# 3. Configures Netdata to work with Netdata Cloud (if the `NETDATA_TOKEN` environment variable is appropriately assigned)
# 4. Starts the Netdata service
# **Note:** In order for Netdata to start on reboot, the shell command feature of pfSense should be configured to
# run `service netdata onestart` after reboots.
enableNetdata() {
### Enable FreeBSD package repo
logg info 'Enabling FreeBSD package repo'
REPLACEMENT="FreeBSD: { enabled: yes }"
tail -n +2 "$FILE_PATH" >> "$TMP_FILE"
mv -f "$TMP_FILE" "$FILE_PATH"
rm -f "$TMP_FILE"

### Install Netdata / dependencies
logg info 'Installing Netdata system package dependencies'
pkg update
pkg install -y curl pkgconf bash e2fsprogs-libuuid libuv nano
pkg install -y json-c-0.15_1
pkg install -y py39-certifi-2023.5.7
pkg install -y py39-asn1crypto
pkg install -y py39-pycparser
pkg install -y py39-cffi
pkg install -y py39-six
pkg install -y py39-cryptography
pkg install -y py39-idna
pkg install -y py39-openssl
pkg install -y py39-pysocks
pkg install -y py39-urllib3
pkg install -y py39-yaml
pkg install -y netdata

### Modify Netdata configuration
if [ -n "$NETDATA_TOKEN" ]; then
logg info 'Configuring Netdata to work with Netdata Cloud'
# TODO: Add below to netdata.conf
# bind to = to bind to =
cat <<EOF > /usr/local/etc/netdata/netdata.conf
enabled = yes
data source = netdata
destination =
api key = ${NETDATA_TOKEN}

### Start Netdata
logg info 'Starting Netdata service'
service netdata onestart

# @description This function installs UniFi onto a pfSense / OPNSense FreeBSD environment. It leverages scripts provided by
# the [unofficial pfSense UniFi project on GitHub]( The script runs
# the script provided by the project and then enables the UniFi service.
# If you run into issues, please see the project's GitHub link (referenced above). It may take a couple minutes for the
# UniFi service to start up after `service start` is run because the start service exits fast while booting up
# the UniFi service in the background.
enableUniFi() {
fetch -o - | sh -s
service start

# @description This function adds an unofficial package that adds SAML2 support to pfSense for SSO logins over
# the web portal. For more information, see the project's [GitHub page](
enablePFsenseSAML() {
pkg add